Shaggy Parasol Pizza

This summer, our travels have taken us far and wide, but now, having become acquainted with a few edible mushrooms to keep an eye out for, we've been fortunate enough to return home to a magnificent abundance of mushrooms in our own yard!
It's such a delight to a have a stroll and discover all the wonderful free food presenting itself. We often we find they favour the perimeter, so take a closer look at your edges if you go mushroom hunting in your own backyard.
These Shaggy Parasols (Chlorophyllum rhacodes) came in plentiful and massive, so we decided that they could make an interesting pizza crust! Join us as we experiment with this tasty adventure.
Note: When dehydrating these mushrooms you will find that they have a strong scent, so we moved our dehydrator into our boot room - a garage might also be a good spot. Somewhere where you won't be overwhelmed by it.