A New Start

I end up a lot of places that I don’t expect to be - the far north, my grandparents former homestead, and now in front of a camera. I suppose that is just life, isn’t it?
My husband (Charles) & I have officially started working on the “Deep Woods Dietitian” channel. I’m sure it will be an interesting journey and we will learn many things along the way. In truth, it’s all a wee bit terrifying.
As my interest in wild foods has grown over the years, the people around me express curiousity and a desire to learn more about the nature around them and it’s uses. I don’t know that this channel will stay exclusively to the topic of wild foods, but for now, I will enjoy continuing to grow in this area & I will try to share a few tidbits out to the world in the process.
I am by no means the utmost authority on the subject, but I’ve picked up some knowledge along the way and I think my dietetic lens provides a different perspective. I’m not sure if my skin is thick enough for what is to come, but we’ve stepped through the door now. Our first efforts are not far reaching but it is wonderful to know that we have already inspired a few individuals and provided a few laughs in the process. :)